This video is a variation of the usual Sun Salutation A. Join Jill in adding a variation to your practice. It's all good!! Breathe.....move....enjoy!!!!
This short video is just right for moving your energy and helping you by connecting your mind, body and breath. Enjoy an introduction to qigong and the benefits it has for you in these simple yet powerful movements. Enjoy and take it with you in your day!
This class will help you renew your mind, strengthen your body, in a gentle way. This is a great way to start your day off on the right track with your mind focusing on unconditional love, lite and joy; or a lovely way to end your day. The benefits for you are insurmountable for dealing with whatever is going on in your lifetime at this time. Carpe diem!!
This chair class is about what you can do throughout your day, whether at work sitting at your desk or if you just need a good stretch, this class fits the bill for you. It will give you the needed break to awaken and renew your body, connecting with your breath, and your renewed intentions. You can even take these stretches with you on the airplane....just no headstands, please!!!
Need to refocus on where your mind is wandering? This class is perfect for your relaxation/meditation time. The gentleness of it will benefit you slowing down and taking time for YOU at this time in your journey. Slow down....breathe...listen to your body.....find grounding....Romans 12:2 (not 12:12, but it is one of Jill’s faves)